Looking for a quiet place tucked back in time? Visit Gold Beach where we remain untouched by the hustle and hassle. Escape to a place shaped by nature. Because we’re nestled between the mighty Pacific, the wild and scenic Rogue River, and thousands of acres of protected forest land, our attractions are always here, always open, just waiting for you to explore!
We don’t have a theme park or shopping mall in Gold Beach. It’s a little difficult to get here and that’s part of the charm. Once you find us, you’ll want to return again and again. So come and hike or fish or search for beach treasures. Come to find yourself and lose yourself in this special place.
Panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean, rugged coastline and Rogue RiverWild Rivers Coast Scenic Bikeway
A Wild and Scenic river, lush cranberry bogs, towering basalt sea stacks and vast ocean views await riders on the Wild Rivers Coast Scenic Bikeway.
For more information: Wild Rivers Coast Scenic Bikeway
Bike the Rogue
Do you love biking? For a unique biking experience, come to Gold Beach, Oregon and bike the wild and scenic Rogue River on the southern Oregon Coast. The view of the Rogue River from your bike is spectacular and the ride is both challenging and fun!
Your bike route will begin at Buffington Park in Gold Beach. From the park, your route will wind along Jerry’s Flat Road, hugging the south bank of the Rogue River with your first checkpoint at Lobster Creek. 11 miles beyond Lobster Creek your next checkpoint will be at the quaint tiny town of Agness. You’ll retrace your route on the return trip, happy to find most of the 2nd half will be downhill! The route ends where it began, back in Buffington Park in Gold Beach.
For more information: Bike the Rogue
Bird Watching
Visit for more information on the Oregon Coast Birding Trail.
And for additional info on birding on the Southern Oregon Coast.
Crabbing and Clamming
If you’re looking to do it yourself. Check the Rogue Outdoor Store for rental crab rings and follow the directions to a DIY dinner. Tonight you’ll dine in style.
Anyone who’s paid $40 for a fancy clam dinner will be shocked by how easy it is to dig up and prepare your own for the cost of a shovel and cooking pot. Razor clams take up concentrated residence in the sands of Bailey Beach and Myers Beach. For butter clams, you have to travel 24 miles north to Rocky Point. For more information on shellfish visit
Check the tide tables website and the Department of Fish & Wildlife website for regulations. Be aware of red tide warnings when shellfish are unsafe to eat.
Gold Beach offers world class fishing year round!
For recent ODFW updates on regulations click here.
The Rogue River is renowned for it’s salmon and steelhead fishing. Many fishermen also come to Gold Beach to surf fish.
December through March is one of the locals’ favorite times of the year, because Gold Beach typically has multiple days of sunshine and mild weather. Steelhead fishing reaches its peak in February, with opportunities to fish in five rivers within a one-hour drive from the center of town.
Ocean lingcod and rockfish are plentiful here and make great seafood dinners. Just a few miles offshore in 40 to 125 feet of water, Gold Beach offers the best ocean bottom fishing opportunities on the Oregon Coast. To charter a boat in the winter, call ahead because weather definitely affects accessibility for safety reasons and current conditions. Ocean charters can be arranged for parties of two or more.
For information on shellfish visit:
Fishing Calendar:
December-March: Winter steelehead travel up the Rogue this time of year. They range in size from 4 to 20 punds.
March-June: Spring Chinook (or king) salmon are caught on the Rogue River between Gold Beach and Agness (2 to 35 miles upriver). These springers are in peak physical condition as they leave the cold waters of the Pacific and come into the Rogue River in search of their spawning grounds. Known for their mouth-watering flavor, spring Chinook range in size from 10 to 40+ pounds.
July-December: Troll the Rogue River Bay for Chinook salmon which, once hooked, give even the most experienced angler a challenging fight. These fine fish also range from 10 to 40+ pounds. In fact, one fish weighing 71.5 pounds was landed by a Grants Pass fisherman several years ago. Summer steelhead (or half-pounders) also provide excellent fishing during these months.
September-December: This time of year you’ll catch Coho (silver) salmon and the fun-to-hook summer steelies. Silvers range in size from 5 to 15 pounds and steelhead from 3/4 pound to 2 pounds. Nothing’s more fun than fighting these fish on light tackle, especially a fly rod. Many fishermen catch and release these beauties back into the water.

Fishing Guides & Services
Andy Martin’s Wild Rivers Fishing Service Phone (541)813-1082
End of the Rogue Guide Service-Shaun Carpenter (541)247-2049 /Cell (541) 698-8088
Gold Beach Guide Service, Gene Garner Cell (541) 290-1915
J Taylor Guide Services Phone (541) 441-0559
Mike Roberts Guide Service 541-425-0414
South Coast Tours LLC Phone (541)373-0487 Kayaking and Paddle Board Tours
Bill Divens 530-941-2398 / Toll-Free Cell (866) 877-8354
Gold Beach Salmon Fishing Guide, Kirk Portocarrero. Cell (530) 515-5951
John Carl Guide Service Phone (541) 247-6400
Rogue Outdoor Store Phone (541) 247-7142
Steve Huber Phone (530) 623-1918 / Cell (530) 623-0387 / Toll-Free (866) 531-3474
Wilderness Canyon Adventures Phone (541) 698-7439 Kayaking Tours
Chris Young Guide Sevice Cell (541) 698-7951
Five Star Charter/Gold Beach Adventure Phone (541) 247-0217 / Toll-Free (888) 301-6480
Mark VanHook Guide Service Phone (541) 247-6702 / Cell 541-698-7689
Rogue Coast Sportfishing Phone (541) 425-7210
Sportfishing Oregon Phone (541) 425-1318
Crumley’s Guide Service Cell (541) 698-8338
Fish Oregon Tim Schlund 541-347-6338 or 541-404-3229 cell
Helen’s Guide Service Phone (541) 247-2441 / Cell (541) 290-8402
Memory Makers Rogue River Guide Service Phone (541) 425-1515
Ross Bell Phone (541) 247-2149 / Cell (541) 698-8103
Gold Beach Golf
Golf the Southern Oregon CoastLocated 10 miles north of Gold Beach, Cedar Bend Golf Course’s nine holes play like eighteen, set up with multiple tee locations and two flags on each green. We may be prejudiced, but we agree when golfers say the greens are among the best on the coast. Lovely Cedar Creek wanders across or alongside almost every hole.
There’s a covered driving range, nine-hole putting green and a full-service snack bar that serves a chili you’ll look forward to as much as the game.
If you arrive by RV, ask about the 11-site campground with its resident deer, occasional elk, and an interesting bird population. There’s even a bubbling stream to lull you to sleep.
Thirty miles south of Gold Beach is Salmon Run Golf & Wilderness Preserve, a championship 18-hole course with five sets of tees on every hole, plus the most incredible views. One of its top attractions: the quiet. It’s like golfing in a forest; which, actually, it is.
Or take a day to play one of the premier golf courses in the world, Bandon Dunes, just an hour and a half north of Gold Beach (

Another nearby spot to catch the local flavor of the past include the Rogue River Museum, located at Jerry’s Rogue Jets gift shop. Coastal options include the Coast Guard Life boat Station Museum at Port Orford, the Hughes House, Cape Blanco Light House to the north, and Chetco Valley Historical Society Museum in Brookings (541-469-2753).
Prehistoric Gardens

Rock Painting !
Paint and Leave or Find and KeepRock Painting In Gold Beach!
Travel, Connect and Enjoy Life!
Gold Beach is a two-stoplight coastal village with easy access to the Pacific Ocean beaches. Visitors often discover Gold Beach as a treasured vacation spot that becomes a tradition. Adventures span from walking the beach to exploring the wild and scenic Rogue River and the old growth forest trails. The natural beauty here inspires creativity. Visitors write, draw, paint and take stunning photos of our incredible location. When you visit Gold Beach, enjoy creating memories and join with others in the Gold Beach ROCKS! fun.
You can leave rocks for discovery in a place of your choosing, or take them with you. We make it easy for you to express yourself and connect with people around the globe by designing your own rock art.
Paint a rock, or two, or twelve. On the back write #goldbeachROCKS! and where you’re from. Post it on Facebook or Instagram. You can keep your painted treasure or leave it for another treasure hunter to find. Gold Beach ROCKS! will connect people from other towns, states and countries to our natural paradise. After your visit, you will leave with keepsakes of a treasured place, a treasured memory.
Please help us keep the beach, rivers and forest clean. These are breathtaking treasures that we want to protect.

Gold Beach Visitor Center Located At
94080 Shirley Lane, Gold Beach, OR 97444
Gold Beach Visitor Center Mailing Address
29592 Ellensburg Avenue, Gold Beach, OR 97444
Phone: 541-247-7526
Fax 541-247-0187
Hours: 7 Days a Week 9am-3pm
Closed Noon on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day & New Year's Eve And New Year's Day